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What’s on at the Bike Garden

What’s On


To see what’s on this week, click HERE


Throughout summer 2017 and early autumn, cycling is a big Bike Garden theme.

Every Wednesday, to the end of October, from 7am to 7pm, a qualified Bike4Health mechanic will be at the garden to do free bike checks and give advice about all things cycling. This is part of a collaboration with Greening Wingrove CIC to make cycling more affordable, more accessible and more attractive for local residents. We hope to open a park cafe to accompany these open sessions.

Cycling events and workshops will be on offer on Sundays, with free guided bike rides and children’s bike schools for different ages. Check our events page for details about future activities.

Children and Young People

On Wednesdays 2-4pm, until the end of August, the Wildlings Kids’ Club will offer free outdoor learning and fun sessions for children of all ages. The project is organised by our partner, the Time Exchange and funded by the Greggs Foundation.

The Arthur’s Hill CHAT Trust is holding its regular drop-ins for local young people on Friday evenings from 5.30pm, until the end of September.

Looking After Our Park

Several initiatives to make our park an attractive place for everyone happen at the Bike Garden.

On Mondays (except bank holidays) at 10am, local residents Jill and Alison lead a park litter pick (usually much-needed after a busy weekend). All are welcome. Many hands make light work. A great way to get to know neighbours.

Thursdays, 10am to noon, Time Exchange gardeners lead volunteer sessions, where local people help and learn how to grow vegetables, fruit, herbs, and pollinator-friendly plants, look after and improve our garden.

The last Sunday of each month sees the Friends of Nuns Moor Park (made up of local residents) meet at the Bike Garden to work on a part of the park they think needs improvement. Tasks vary from month to month.

A residents’ Nuns Moor Park Strategy Group meets monthly to share ideas about how the park will be managed in future after the City Council hands over responsibility to local groups. For more information, contact


SHE Choir – Wednesdays 6:30-8pm

 A community choir for women, anyone who identifies as a woman or identifies as gender fluid/gender queer.  All ages welcome (including little uns) and no previous singing/choir experience required.

Aspiring to grow collaboratively, with members as involved in running the various aspects of running the choir – musically, administratively, socially! – as they wish. If you just want to come along and sing, that is wonderful too! Connected to and inspired by a beautiful network of SHE cooperative choirs for singing women across the UK and beyond. Suggested donation of £1-£2 per person. Remember to bring a torch and/or you can meet at the park entrance just before 6.30pm to walk to the pavilion building in a group. Request to join the SHE Choir Facebook Group, click HERE 

Discussions are currently underway with Platforma representatives about bring part of its October Festival to Nuns Moor Park. Watch this space.

Free Seasonal Events – Connecting to Nature, Food and Community

Wassailing in January/February

Wassailing is an ancient ritual bringing the community together to sing to the health of the trees and scare away the naughty spirits to welcome in the spring so the trees bear fruit in the coming seasons. 

We have craft and singing workshops to make paper lanterns and a wassail crown all in preparation for the crowning of the Wassail King or Queen and a lantern lit, singing procession to visit the Community Orchard in Nuns Moor Park.

Pollinator Day in May/June

This event creates a buzz in the garden to celebrate the valuable ecosystem services provided by the bees, birds, butterflies, bats and beetles. Without them we wouldn’t have apples, strawberries, melons, almonds and even chocolate! Come join in craft activities, hula hooping, face-painting and learn about honey bees from the bee keepers association’s virtual hive! Free pollinator friendly flowers are also given away to promote more pollination throughout our streets. 

 CIC Picnic in July

This event is to celebrate the work of Greening Wingrove CIC board and members who generously give their time to make our area cleaner and greener by taking part in litter picks, street planting or Friends of Nuns Moor Park activities. Fun activities in 2016 included a bubbleologist, face painting, Mad Hatters magic potions and mud pie making, raffle and food stalls from Samosa Sisters and Edible Cycles, not to mention lounging on the lawn with picnics and tasteful tunes being played in the afternoon sun. 

 Apple Day in October

Inviting the local community to celebrate our very own heritage Community Orchard planted in Nuns Moor Park and welcoming into the Autumn season. There are a variety of family-friendly activities and games all around the theme of apples that all take place in the park and Bike Garden. Kilos of apples get turned into fresh apple juice using a machine to cut them up and an apple presser to squeeze them into tasty apple juice to be sampled in the delight of harvest!  Autumnal preparations also include making bug hotels for the garden’s beasties to over-winter to maintain natural balances for the seasons to come. 

For more updates, visit our Facebook page: The Greening Wingrove Bike Garden