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Wild West End

Where Wild West End found Hedgehogs

map showing hedgehogs in Wingrove and Fenham

Do you have hedgehogs near your garden? If so, make a small hole in the wall or fence around your garden so the hedgehogs can get to you, and encourage your neighbours to do the same. Hedgehogs can walk up to 1-2km a night. Also do a hedgehog risk assessment of your garden; Cover up steep drain holes which hedgehogs can fall down (you often find these where the drainpipe from your roof goes into the ground); and check that hedgehogs can get out of garden ponds. Clear away any netting as Hedeghogs can get caught up in it.
Below is the same map, but is shown as a GIS map with hedgehog sightings marked as a green dot.  To enlarge the map press the Ctrl button and plus button on your keyboard at the same time.Wild West End Hedeghog Map

Wild West End was made possible by the National Lottery Heritage Fund.